Leadership Development - Katie Belanger

7 Questions with Katie Belanger on Leadership Development

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Katie has over 20 years of experience in social justice and political work. Throughout these years, she has worked with nonprofits and for-profit organizations, boards and staff teams, as well as coalitions and campaigns to align around a shared mission, build robust implementation plans to engage leaders, foster leadership development and deliver real success to the communities they serve. In 2015, Katie launched her own company, Katie B. Strategies, LLC, which is a owned business committed to equity and representation. Katie B. Strategies exists to bring individuals and teams together to design actionable change. This week, we asked her questions about her experience and career.

Julie Rodgers

7 Questions with Julie Rodgers

by The Campaign Workshop

Julie Rodgers is a writer, speaker, and leader in the movement toward full inclusion for LGBTQ people in Christian communities. Rodgers has been featured in Pray Away, a documentary about the “pray the gay away” movement, where she talks about her experience as a survivor of conversion therapy.

girl in protest crowd holding megaphone and sign

What to Stream to Fuel Your Social Activism

by The Campaign Workshop

Amplifying Black voices is always important, and streaming services are helping to do just that. Now, if Netflix users search “George Floyd,” they’ll be taken to a curated list for their Black Lives Matter Collection, which has over 40 movies, T.V. shows, and documentaries. Amazon Prime’s collection is called Black History, Hardship, and Hope, and it’s home to documentaries like I Am Not Your Negro and The Central Park Five.

black and white colors, group of people at protest with girl holding up Black Lives Matter sign

Make Change for Racial Justice

by The Campaign Workshop

This past week we've seen folks across the country come together, demanding criminal justice and police reform. Here at The Campaign Workshop, we stand with those fighting systemic and institutionalized racism in our country. We are taking a critical look at ourselves to change and grow into better advocates for Black lives. There is a lot of work to be done, but police violence against Black communities must end.

positive social change