Tea Party Loses Big on Cincinnati Ballot Initiative
I’m sure it’s no surprise to any of you that last Tuesday Terry McAuliffe won the Gubernatorial election in Virginia – though the Attorney General race is still too close to officially call – and Chris Christie easily won re-election in New Jersey. It also likely doesn’t come as a surprise that Bill de Blasio wrapped up a big victory in his election as Mayor of New York City and that Marty Walsh, a former Labor organizer, and current State Representative, won in the first open race for Mayor of Boston in over twenty years. But, I’m guessing not as many people were paying attention to the various ballot initiatives around the country, including the Tea Party-backed Question 4 in Cincinnati that looked to overhaul (read: destroy) the public pension system in the city.
In a huge setback to the Tea Party movement and its race to end public pensions nationwide, the voters of Cincinnati voted four to one against Question 4. Charles Pierce of Esquire Magazine gives a good run down of Question 4 and how organized Labor won big in 2013 here.
The Campaign Workshop had the chance to work with the Alliance for Retired Americans, an organization of over four million progressive retirees from across the country including over ten thousand in the Cincinnati area, to communicate with their members about the dangers of Question 4 and the national Tea Party money trying to take away municipal pensions.
Check out one of the mail pieces we created for the Alliance:
Congratulations to the city of Cincinnati, the Alliance for Retired Americans and all of their partners.