Ben from TCW giving a thumbs up in front of a campaign office

Starting a Campaign: What You Need to Know

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Starting a campaign is a unique challenge. From getting digital running to prioritizing fundraising and self-care, here’s what every staffer should know.

political scheduling

Political Scheduling Is an Art Form | Political Campaign Tips

by The Campaign Workshop

For any brave souls that have dared to take on scheduling for a political candidate or even on a professional level, you’ll truly appreciate this post. Political Scheduling isn’t easy—it’s an art form and not for the faint of heart or the disorganized. Most people think, “Well all you do is just put events on a calendar, so it can’t be too hard.” Well, truth is, it is way more complex than it appears.

Campaign Best Practices

Campaign Best Practices: Beating Murphy's Law in Politics.

by The Campaign Workshop

Campaign best practices can make a real difference on your political campaign. Over the course of my career, I have pretty much seen it all happen on political campaigns. From the candidate’s brother dying mere weeks before Election Day to losing power at a staging location and everything in between. Murphy’s Law states “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Part of being a good organizer is always hoping for the best on political campaigns, but planning for the worst.