Early Voting- Girl holding up VOTE in letters and smiling at the camera

Early Voting: What Do Campaigns Need to Know?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ve seen a lot of talk recently about early voting in 2020. But early and absentee voting can be very, very different depending on where you live. While there are states that continue to limit absentee voting, early voting, or both, the trend across the country in recent years has been to make it easier for voters to cast a ballot.

Stress ball

Tips for Your Election Day Stress Test

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Before Election Day it’s important that you have a chance to test your campaign’s ground operation. After all, even the best-laid plans can go awry. Testing ensures that your organization can maintain its composure under pressure and gives you an opportunity to iron out any snags before the big day. The best way to test your operation is by creating an Election Day stress test that simulates your operation on the big day.