Digital video tips for your ballot measure - Four young adults standing in a circle looking at their phones.

Ballot Measure Campaign Digital Video Tips

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

As anyone who’s worked on a ballot measure campaign will tell you, ballot measures tend to fly under voters’ radar. You typically need a strong ground game and a dedicated group of local volunteers to be successful. Most ballot measure campaigns also need an element of voter education and persuasion added to their programs. Without it, many voters won’t understand what the measure does and why it’s important. Ballot measures are often the very last thing on the ballot, so sometimes you simply need to remind voters to fill out the entire ballot or to flip the ballot over.

Ballot measure Polling  - pen checking off box in a row of  black square boxes

Ballot Measure Polling

by The Campaign Workshop

We’ve discussed in past blogs that a large part of executing a #winning political campaign is doing your background research, and ballot measure polling is the best way to find out if you can win and how you can win.