Member Communications

Member Communications: If You Endorse a Candidate Let People Know!

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

But, to do member communications right you need to plan way ahead. In this post we revisit an endorsement process and help define ways to promote and streamline goals for endorsements and recommendations.

Phones hanging from their cords, one orange one stands out

Campaign Fundraising: The Keys to Successful Call Time

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Let’s face it, campaign fundraising is hard, and call time is often the most dreaded part of it. No candidate wants to press pause on the many other duties of their campaign to dial for dollars. Every candidate will say the same thing: “I just hate asking people for money!” But whether you’re running for town supervisor or president, call time is a critical part of campaign fundraising efforts—and therefore, a critical part of every campaign.