Stack of books opened, Nonprofit Storytelling

Nonprofit Storytelling: Taking a Long-Term Approach

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

Nonprofit storytelling is a powerful tool, but it often falls off the radar when push comes to shove, probably because it takes significant time and people resources to do well. This post will walk you through why it should always be part of your planning and priorities, how to weave it into things you’re already doing (it doesn’t have to be a heavy lift if you do it a little at a time) and some of the elements of compelling storytelling.

storytelling techniques

Storytelling Techniques and Writing 7 Qs With Gavin Edwards

by The Campaign Workshop

Gavin Edwards is a three-time New York Times-bestselling author and public speaker. Throughout his career, he has written twelve books and made appearances on NBC’s Today show, VH1’s Behind the Music, and NPR’s All Things Considered. The common thread between Gavin’s praised writing and skilled public speaking is his ability to tell a story in an effective and engaging way.

Hands holding a boundary around the paper cut outs of people in a circle
video storytelling
advocacy storytelling
microphone and blurred crowd

Public Speaking with Vulnerability |Emotion Matters |TCW

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Can public speaking with vulnerability be a good thing? Every time I do any type of public speaking, I get nervous. When I was younger and I was nervous, I would stutter. Even today, I sometimes hear myself repeating a word as I get animated. Throughout my life, I work hard to conceal these flaws, but the reality is that it is a part of who I am.