Opposition research - green chat bubble with a thumbs down and red chat bubble with a thumbs up

Opposition Research, or How Knowledge is Power

by The Campaign Workshop

You may think opposition research is really only something Independent Expenditures need, but that isn’t the case. Opposition research can serve a purpose on every type of campaign. Although Google searches can provide some insight to an opponent’s background and any news coverage, there are entire political consulting firms that specialize in opposition work.

tug of war

Opposition Research: One More Consulting Firm:

by The Campaign Workshop

Opposition research, or “oppo” for short, is something we have mentioned in this blog before, but have not discussed at length. Such an omission is unforgivable, and can only be chalked up to missing the obvious. Like, for instance, when a newspaper has a typo in its front-page headline because everyone was looking for little, nuanced stuff but missed the big, glaring oops! before going to print. So let’s right this wrong now, shall we?

good and bad

Using Opposition Research: The Good and the Bad

by The Campaign Workshop

Is your campaign doing opposition research? We’ve already talked about the importance of self-research for your political campaign here, and about the basics of opposition research for a political campaign. But, what do you do when your opposition research backfires?

importance of self-research

The Importance of Self-Research for Political Candidates

by The Campaign Workshop

We teach a lot about research on campaigns, and most candidates see the benefits and try to make room in the budget for polling. But although many candidates will do research on their opponents, what many first time (and second and third time) candidates don’t do is get a self-research book done on themselves. Why one may ask, would I need research done on me? I know my background. Here are 3 reasons why self-research is much more important than it may seem.