Advocacy Strategy

Advocacy Strategy and Advocacy Tactics: What is the Difference?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

You and your organization have worked hard to create great policy. Now, how do you get Congress or your state legislature to turn policy recommendations into policy reality? You need a clear and detailed advocacy strategy that outlines your overall goal and effective tactics that will help you cross the finish line.

Advocacy Message Consistency

by The Campaign Workshop

Maintaining message discipline is critical to advocacy message campaigns. If your organization doesn’t have a advocacy message document, or even a mission statement, it’s time you create one. The statement should be specific to your work, but broad enough that all of your campaigns are able to fit comfortably under it, That way, you can continue to maintain overall organizational message discipline over the life of a specific advocacy campaign. It should also be brief—no more than a couple lines on a page, two sentences max.