Union Printers

Why Should My Campaign Consider Union Printers?

by Stephanie Khani (She/Her)

Post-pandemic, unionization efforts experienced a surge of support in the public sector, from coffee chains to online retailers. It is estimated that in 2022 alone that more than 16 million people were represented by a union and 60 million workers wanted to join a union but were unable to do so (Economic Policy Institute). Public support for unions continues to grow in 2023.

Volunteer at a door with a clipboard and a campaign walk card

Campaign Walk Cards - How to create Great Campaign Lit

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Campaign walk cards are an important element to any field strategy. They give your canvassers something tangible to discuss at the doors and are a great way to introduce your candidate to voters. Unfortunately, a lot of campaigns create walk cards the wrong way.

Union Printing press

Union Printers Make Great Political Direct Mail Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Here at The Campaign Workshop (TCW), we work with union printers. Union printers are not only committed to providing a safe workplace and fair wages but also benefits to their employees. Without going into a massive labor history lesson, unions are really important both to the middle class in this country and the progressive movement; something we certainly can get behind at TCW! 

The Ultimate guide to Political Printing

Political Direct Mail Printing, Ultimate Guide Part 4

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail printing: #4:  In previous installments of this series we covered finding a printer, managing schedules, specifying paper and digital vs. offset printing. This week is the final installment of the series and we’re going to talk about photos, file preparation and proofing.