social media mistakes to avoid

Campaign Social Media Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them

by The Campaign Workshop

In this day in age, social media is essential to any advocacy or political campaign. Every successful campaign in the past few years has implemented social media to win over voters' hearts and minds. Integrating social media properly into your communication strategy is particularly useful when you're trying to reach young voters in an authentic way.

Digital campaign tool

Digital Campaign Tool Spotlight: 7 Questions with Mentionmapp

by Elena Veatch

Mentionmapp is a digital campaign tool that allows you to map connections between Twitter users to visualize who’s saying what and who they’re saying it to. Mentionmapp can help you keep track of your brand and figure out who’s engaging with your content. We talked to co-founder and CEO John Gray about his digital campaign tool Mentionmapp, as well as larger trends such as the proliferation of Bots and misinformation.

social media