woman in a chair on her phone looking at her campaign Twitter account
How Use Twitter as a Tool During Your Campaign
twitter campaign strategy
digital targeting

Targeting for Twitter

by The Campaign Workshop

We often talk about how one big advantage of digital advertising is the digital targeting available to the advertiser. The same is true on Twitter, if not more so. Twitter, along with other social media channels, has the benefit of users providing their own information, making the targeting easier. In addition, as users log on and engage on Twitter, their profiles are updated to reflect how they behave online.

twitter for politics

Using Twitter For Politics

Over the summer, I attended a Twitter for Politics event (#twitter4politics) hosted by Twitter for people working in politics in the digital space. In addition to the great breakfast buffet and top-notch swag (#TweetfeetPolkaDots), the speakers had a lot of great insights into the best ways to use Twitter to improve your public profile.