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This power mapping video can help you level up your game

Power mapping has been used by advocates and activists for many many years to ensure they are effective with their time, people and resources as they plan out their strategy to run advocacy campaigns. For those of you who are visual learners, you might find this strategy particularly helpful to help you visualize what you need to do to move the needle. Learn how to visually map out your political landscape with our power mapping video.

Campaign Training is Key

Having good volunteers is a key part of winning your campaign, which is why you should invest in your campaign training today! Let us help you help yourself.

What Should Nonprofits Be Doing Online?

Nonprofits are often strapped for cash, but with the help of digital are empowered to increase their outreach tenfold!

5 Tips to Find a Political Job in DC

Check out our 5 tips to help you search for political jobs.

Video: 5 Things Your Political Campaign Should Be Doing

A winning political campaign needs to focus on core fundamentals to get ahead. Check out this video to learn about 5 things your political campaign should be doing to get ahead of the competition and minimize their mistakes. If followed, these tips will set your campaign up on the road to success!

9 Political Campaign Tips

Watch this video and see our top 9 political campaign tips for all candidate campaigns! This video will help you establish a presence, expand engagement, solicit donors, and win your election!

Candidate Fundraising Methods for Success

Candidate fundraising is an essential component of a successful campaign. Securing, soliciting, and expanding a donor base can determine a campaign's ability to sustain its operations and compete with opposing candidates.

Political Scheduling Explained

Time management, especially for a candidate, is a problem that plagues too many political campaigns. political scheduling is an art form that can make a real difference in your campaign. People, and money are the core resources of a campaign but getting volunteers and raising money are usually the focus of campaigns and they ignore the time management aspect.

Political Campaign Plan - Video

Campaign Planning is a step no political campaign should miss. You should develop and maintain a comprehensive political campaign plan to ensure your campaign stays on message and is equipped to handle any challenge.

Build Your Campaign Plan

Writing your campaign plan is the very first step in. running for office! Learn how to build and structure a plan. Tune into our video for a full list of tips.

Grassroots vs Grasstops Advocacy

Confused about the difference between grassroots vs grasstops advocacy? Check out our video on the distinction between these two advocacy tactics. Bottomline is both grasstops and grassroots can make a big difference in your advocacy campaign. learning how to mobilize both is an important skill for your team .

Does Canvassing Still Matter?

Yes - canvassing still matters learn more about the power of door-knocking and grassroots campaigns. It needs to be a part of your campaign strategy for advocacy, civic engagement and politics.

Walk Card Guide

A good walk card is a cornerstone of a grassroots campaign. We are big believers in door-to-door campaigns and canvassing. Here is a quick guide to creating a great walk card for your candidate!

Writing Campaign Job Descriptions

Writing good campaign descriptions is important to hire the right staff for your campaign. Check out what we have to say about campaign job descriptions!

Tips On How to Make A Digital First Video!

Check out our tips on how to make a digital first video!

Looking for a political campaign job?

Learn our top tips for a campaign job search, like getting internships, building a network, expanding your network, reaching out to political organizations, or volunteering on a political campaign. The early steps you take can make a big difference in starting your political career on the right or left foot. We also highlight some of our favorite job boards.

What Does a Pollster Do?

What does a pollster do? In this video, we answer the age-old question and talk about the role of advocacy and political polling in your campaign.

GOTV Tactics -

In this video we discuss GOTV Tactics - here's our list of a few tried and true tactics for get out out the vote.

Get Out the Vote with Social Media

Social media can be a great tool for GOTV. See why - watch our video on using social media for Get Out the Vote

10 Bad Political Campaign Habits You Need to Break

Kick bad political campaign habits with our strategies and tools! It is time to break bad habits and bad practices like spending money too early, burning out your team, paying staff late, going into debt, and many more