ice cream cone  dropped on the ground -  Local candidate mistakes

Local Candidates- Don't Make These Common Campaign Mistakes

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Campaigns for local candidates are different than those for bigger races. While you will still have to work to raise money, local candidates will depend in large part on the community for the resources and volunteers that they need. Local candidates also tend to go without the aid of consultants or those with expensive experience working on a lot of campaigns.

Danica Roem

7 Questions with Delegate Danica Roem

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Delegate Danica Roem serves as delegate for Virginia House District 13. Roem served as the first openly transgender in any U.S. state legislature. With a background in journalism and a passion for improving citizens quality of life, Danica was inspired to help solve the issues which she reported on everyday throughout her journalism career.