Four seated individuals waiting to be interviewed

Political Internship: The Dos and Don’ts of Searching for an Internship

by The Campaign Workshop

A political internship is something revered by many college students, but finding the right one, and then being selected for it, can seem like a daunting challenge. Still, the benefits of working to further the causes you are passionate about and learning the ins and outs of the political world make the pursuit of a political internship worthwhile! Here are three dos and three don’ts for landing an internship in politics.

Political Job Search Brad Traverse
political jobs

Finding Political Jobs in DC

by The Campaign Workshop

Anyone with a love of Washington D.C. who works in politics, has been here before: you are stuck in the never-ending vortex of finding political jobs in DC. This post is not going to be liked by everyone, but it lays out the experiences I’ve had through the job-hunting process. Also, if you don’t work in the political world, you may have a different experience in finding political jobs in DC.

job in advocacy or politics

Looking for a Job in Advocacy or Politics?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

If you are looking for a job in advocacy or politics, your search can seem daunting: lots of informational interviews, resumes to send out, and so much more. Staying organized in your search is key. My main tip is to focus on follow up after an interview. This is perhaps one of the most important parts of the job hunt, and something people frequently overlook!