Union Printers

Why Should My Campaign Consider Union Printers?

by Stephanie Khani (She/Her)

Post-pandemic, unionization efforts experienced a surge of support in the public sector, from coffee chains to online retailers. It is estimated that in 2022 alone that more than 16 million people were represented by a union and 60 million workers wanted to join a union but were unable to do so (Economic Policy Institute). Public support for unions continues to grow in 2023.

Union Printing press

Union Printers Make Great Political Direct Mail Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Here at The Campaign Workshop (TCW), we work with union printers. Union printers are not only committed to providing a safe workplace and fair wages but also benefits to their employees. Without going into a massive labor history lesson, unions are really important both to the middle class in this country and the progressive movement; something we certainly can get behind at TCW! 

Stacks of mail on a conveyer belt

Political Printing: The Dos and Don'ts

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Regardless of how you cut it, writing and producing quality political direct mail and doing political printing is no easy task. There are a lot of things that go into quality political printing, and it takes quite a bit of time and practice to be able to do it well. With that said, below is a quick list of dos and don’ts to producing quality political printing.

The Ultimate guide to Political Printing

Political Direct Mail Printing, Ultimate Guide Part 4

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail printing: #4:  In previous installments of this series we covered finding a printer, managing schedules, specifying paper and digital vs. offset printing. This week is the final installment of the series and we’re going to talk about photos, file preparation and proofing.

The Ultimate guide to Political Printing

Political Direct Mail Printing—Ultimate Guide Part 3

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail printing part 3: In previous installments of this series on political direct mail printing we covered finding a political direct mail printer, managing schedules and specifying paper. Today, we’re going to get technical and talk about presses. We couldn’t have political direct mail printing without presses to get the job done, so let’s examine the differences and uses for digital and offset printing.