Top Campaign Fundraising Objections

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

campaign fundraising

Getting past those pesky campaign fundraising objections

Campaign fundraising objections are part of what happens when you run a fundraising operation. Don’t be discouraged. Here are ways to get past those pesky campaign fundraising objections:

Objection: “Can you really win?”
Answer: “Yes I can.”
Viability is an important benchmark for donors and politicos trying to handicap races. Money is one easy way folks measure campaign progress, as well as how many doors you’ve knocked. Being able to articulate real results is important. By telling a supporter that you have knocked on 20,000 doors and raised $170,000, but need to raised $30,000 more, you give them an easy way to track their impact.

Objection: “Who are you? How did you get my number?”
Answer: “Sue I know it’s been a while, but you’re close friends with my sister and she suggested I call.”
In the age of big data you can get phone numbers of potential donors easily, but the greater connection matters. Knowing them or someone they know will increase the likelihood  they will give.

Objection: “I don’t have that much.”
Answer: “I totally understand. Would you instead be able to give $50 per month for the next three months? Anything will help.”
You may have people that say the amount you ask for is too much. When confronted with this issue, don’t immediately give up. Part of fundraising involves finding an amount that works for the individual donor.

Objection: “I am tapped out..”
Answer: “I get it. Could you instead knock on doors or phone bank with me and the campaign? I could really use your help.”  
Getting someone invested in a campaign does not require immediate financial contributions. Moreover, once someone is an engaged volunteer, they may be more inclined to donate in the future.

Objection: “You never thanked me. Now you are asking me for money?”
Answer: “I am so sorry, your support really means a lot, thanks for your help.”
Ouch. Not sure I can help you out much here. Thank you’s matter during campaign fundraising and are important if you want to maintain a donor base. If you want to build strong relationships with donors, make sure you write and send them a thank you note.

Objection: “You’re asking again?”
Answer: “Yep! But it is close to Election Day and this is our last push. Another $250 from you will get us to 100 more doors that could win this election.”
Resolicitation campaigns are important, but tone is a big factor in determining their success. The right tone will tell a donor that their contributions have been appreciated and used wisely. Focusing on tangible long-term goals that can be achieved with an additional donation will often make donors more likely to donate again.

Objection: “Is this really you?”
Answer: “Yes, we went to high school back in the day. Do you remember being in Mr. Berry’s third glad class and learning how to multiply numbers?”
The last time someone asked me for money over Facebook, it was a scam. Don’t ask for money via Facebook. Give the person a phone call and make the ask personal by including something personal about them, so they know that the ask is specific to them. In addition, include something personal about yourself - foster a deep relationship with them in the brief period you’re on the phone with them.  

Want to learn more about getting past campaign fundraising objects? Check out Jeb Blount’s new book, Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering The Art and Science of Getting Past No.

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