Get Out The Vote Calls Explained

by The Campaign Workshop

get out the vote calls

How to Make Get out the Vote Calls a Success

We talk a lot on our blog about the importance of GOTV. But what are some concrete, tried and true Get Out The Vote tactics that work? One is making GOTV calls to identified supporters.

Making calls to supporters in the days leading up to the election (or in some cases, Early Vote dates) to remind them to vote is hardly revolutionary. But how you remind those supporters has changed recently, thanks to a lot of research. Make sure you are using your time on the phone as efficiently as possible by following these tips:

1. Use volunteers to contact as much of your list as possible. Volunteers are the best messengers for Get Out The Vote, not robots. If you don’t have enough volunteers, then go with staff. Use paid, live calls as a last resort.

2. Be sure to ask for the supporter by name. Do not assume that the person who picked up the phone is the supporter, or even a voter. It’s important for everyone to vote, but it’s critical to turn out known supporters.

3. Have their polling place or early voting location handy. You want to be sure that you remind your supporter where they should vote, as polling places can change. Being able to remind them exactly where to vote during your Get Out The Vote call is key.

4. Tell them that you are expecting a high turnout. Research has shown that people are more likely to vote if they think others will too.

5. Help supporters make a plan to vote. Ask your supporters how they will get to the polls, when they will vote, where they will be coming from, etc. Making a plan helps them visualize doing it and incorporate it into their day.

Follow these tips when making your Get Out The Vote calls to supporters. It’s one of the best things you can do to help your campaign succeed on Election Day.

P.S. These tips work for GOTV canvassers too!