Woman standing in forest

Political Direct Mail Is Going Green

by Elena Veatch

Political direct mail is one of the most effective ways to reach voters, but I’ll be the first to admit: all that paper takes a toll on our environment. At The Campaign Workshop, we’re passionate about protecting our natural world—luckily for us, so are a lot of the printers we work with.

Woman looking at a printer proof

Printer Proof Review Tips. What to Look for in your printing proof

by The Campaign Workshop

So you send your final political direct mail file off to the printer and breathe a sigh of relief—until you get your printer proof. Now what? The political printing process continues long after you finalize designing and proofing your direct mail file in-house.

Red mail box with letters in front of it - Campaign Mailers

Campaign Mailers: Getting Started with Political Mail

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

The world of campaign mailers is varied and complex, but don’t let that stop you from sending rad mail that gets you noticed. We’ve pulled together some things for you to think about as you start to pin down exactly how your campaign’s mail program is going to take shape.

Books standing up, pages fanned

Political Direct Mail Glossary

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

The world of political direct mail involves a lot of terms you don’t hear in everyday conversation (unless you’re one of the few amazing people who love direct mail so much that USPS regulatory updates figure prominently at your weekly coffee klatch, in which case, you’re a star).

Printer rapidly printing mail
size matter
USPS Streamlining
die-cut mail

Die-Cut Mail Pieces

Two things off the bat to consider are costs and timing. First, die-cuts add costs, so it's not something to suggest on every campaign. Second is the time factor, die-cuts do add time to the production of the piece, so this needs to be worked into the schedule. If you have the budget and time for producing a die-cut piece, then the issues become production related.


Load Leveling: What does it mean for political direct mail?

by The Campaign Workshop

On April 10, 2014, the United States Postal Service (USPS) implemented a new policy called Load Leveling on standard (bulk) mail drop shipped to the DSCF level. This new policy changes the way mail enters the DSCF level and moves through the postal system. The new policy is meant to “allow a more balanced distribution of DSCF standard mail across delivery days.”

5 tips to make your mail stand out

5 Ways to Help Your Democratic Direct Mail Stand Out

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

“Nasty, brutish and short,” doesn’t just sum up Thomas Hobbes’ feelings about the state of nature – it also applies to the often-lonely life of a piece of Democratic direct mail. It’s tough to get noticed and stand out from the other items stuffed in the mailbox, and even if it does get noticed, it’s usually quickly tossed out and forgotten.

The Ultimate guide to Political Printing

Political Direct Mail Printing—Ultimate Guide Part 3

by The Campaign Workshop

Political direct mail printing part 3: In previous installments of this series on political direct mail printing we covered finding a political direct mail printer, managing schedules and specifying paper. Today, we’re going to get technical and talk about presses. We couldn’t have political direct mail printing without presses to get the job done, so let’s examine the differences and uses for digital and offset printing.