GOTV Questions
Get Out The Vote Tips

GOTV Plan: Get Out the Vote (GOTV) Best Practices

by The Campaign Workshop

As Election Day approaches, I thought it would be a good idea to share some best practices for your GOTV Plan- Get Out The Vote Plan. These are tried and true GOTV tactics —we know they work.

2016 Democratic Campaign

How Democrats Can Jumpstart Their Campaigns for 2016

by The Campaign Workshop

Races are heating up, but there are a number of exciting opportunities for Democrats up and down the ticket. Here are some tips to jumpstart your Democratic campaign:

Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age

Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Last week we released our first ebook: Political Direct Mail In The Digital Age. The book explains why with all the technology we have, political direct mail in the digital age is still relevant. We explain how you should decide on direct mail and targeted communications strategies for political and advocacy campaigns. We also discuss the cost of direct mail, micro-targeting strategies and how to use direct mail for GOTV.

Stress ball

Tips for Your Election Day Stress Test

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Before Election Day it’s important that you have a chance to test your campaign’s ground operation. After all, even the best-laid plans can go awry. Testing ensures that your organization can maintain its composure under pressure and gives you an opportunity to iron out any snags before the big day. The best way to test your operation is by creating an Election Day stress test that simulates your operation on the big day.