email list

Email List Hygiene: A Clean List Makes for Better Email Marketing

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Let’s face it, most folks don’t spend enough time working on their email list hygiene. There is always something wrong with your email engagement. If you are working with emails, you can always fix something.

Students signing petitions opposed to online petitions

Online Petitions: Is it time to get rid of the clipboard?

by Elena Veatch

You don’t need a clipboard for online petitions, but you do need a strategy. Online petitions are a great way to bolster your supporter base around an issue. You can use a digital action as a hook to get folks involved with your campaign or cause in the long run. List building isn’t always easy, quick, or cheap—make sure you plan ahead so you can do it right and make the most out of your new supporters.

Laptop on a desk in front of a backdrop of water and tress

Running for Office? Tackle These 5 Digital Tasks First

by The Campaign Workshop

So you’ve decided you’re running for office. What are your first steps? Maybe calling friends and family to let them know the news? Starting to ask for donations for your campaign? Hiring a campaign manager? It’s possible you haven’t yet thought about some key digital items that will make your big announcement a big success.

build my list

How Can I Build My List For Fundraising?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

List building is an art and a science. When you start a campaign your friends and family are pumped up, you have some committed volunteers, and maybe you even have an official campaign Facebook page.  One key question remains, can you raise the money?  This is where list building comes in.

list building

List Building: Non-profits Should Resist Buying Fundraising Lists

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Whether it is for advocacy or fundraising, nonprofits spend a lot of time list building. With the right plan, an organization can grow and engage through their list. But done the wrong way, list building can be a waste of money and resources. Here is some advice on list build for organizations:

list-building best practices photo

List Building for Nonprofits | Organizational Best Practices

by The Campaign Workshop

List building for nonprofits is extremely important. These are people you can turn to for donations, taking action on your behalf, volunteering, and more. When list building, it’s important that you follow a few best practices. This will ensure you’re getting the best possible supporters and doing so in the best possible way.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact

MailChimp vs. Constant Contact

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

For campaigns, email is an important and cost effective means of communication. While I am not an email expert and do not have in depth knowledge of open rates, conversions, etc., I have worked with both the MailChimp and Constant Contact. In truth, both MailChimp and Constant Contact are fairly similar services and can both work within the confines of small to mid -sized campaigns. With that said, below is our assessment of which would work better for small campaigns, MailChimp or Constant Contact.

advocacy fundraising

Advocacy Fundraising vs. Political Fundraising

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We have written a lot about political fundraising but not on advocacy fundraising, so here we go. Whether it is for advocacy or for political campaigns, fundraising is largely similar and shares a number of characteristics. For both, the ask is a core component of your fundraising technique. Below is a look as some of these shared characteristics.