Online Advocacy

Media Buying for Online Advocacy

by Julie Watson (She/Her)

Online advocacy campaigns are a powerful way to raise awareness, mobilize supporters, and influence decision-makers on a variety of issues and causes. Selecting the most effective types of digital media to use is essential for maximizing impact and engaging with your target audience.

Students signing petitions opposed to online petitions

Online Petitions: Is it time to get rid of the clipboard?

by Elena Veatch

You don’t need a clipboard for online petitions, but you do need a strategy. Online petitions are a great way to bolster your supporter base around an issue. You can use a digital action as a hook to get folks involved with your campaign or cause in the long run. List building isn’t always easy, quick, or cheap—make sure you plan ahead so you can do it right and make the most out of your new supporters.

iPhone surrounded by holi colored bowls to symbolize choices.

Types of Ads for Digital Advocacy Campaigns

by The Campaign Workshop

There are so many different types of ads that it can feel overwhelming to choose which ones to use for your digital advocacy campaign. You can certainly use all of them, but there are some that are likely better suited to your campaign than others, depending on your goals.

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A Guide to Budgeting for Your Digital Advocacy Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

When you are setting up your digital campaign budget for advocacy, how much should you spend on digital advertising? Per unit, digital advocacy advertising is comparatively cheap – while you may spend several hundred dollars (or more) per point on TV, your cost per thousand impressions (CPM) can be as little as a dollar or two for digital advertising. That means that digital advertising can be a fantastic way to reach out to supporters and promote your advocacy campaign when you’re working with limited dollars.

Digital Advocacy
digital advocacy

Facebook and ActionSprout: Integration for Digital Advocacy

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

Digital advocacy is about engagement and capacity building—likes are just a starting point. Over the last few years, Facebook’s algorithm has evolved, as has its advertising options, making it easier than ever to capitalize on the audience you’ll find there and turn likes into actions that advance your advocacy goals.

twitter for advocacy

Twitter for Your Next Advocacy Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

The simple concept of Twitter is to post short thoughts- 140 character thoughts to be exact. In a just a sentence or two, millions of people worldwide (310 million monthly active users) engage in conversations, find information, and express their feelings on a multitude of relevant topics. Whether it be a large event like a presidential debate or a local issue like a ballot measure, Twitter can be a significant social media platform for your advocacy campaign.

digital advocacy
Electronic tablet with graphs, charts, metrics, etc. on top of papers with metrics on wooden background next to plant and coffee

Digital Advocacy Tactics Advocacy Campaigns Can Learn from Political Campaigns

by The Campaign Workshop

Digital Advocacy is on everyone's mind. Last month, I attended the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Washington, D.C. and one panel caught my eye: New Tools From the 2016 Elections That Nonprofit Techies Need to Know About. Given that our clients are both campaigns and nonprofits, it was a perfect fit. 

social media
GOTV -  Get Out The Vote letters in the word vote hanging off a clothesline

Get Out the Vote with Social Media: Digital GOTV

The lion’s share of your political or advocacy campaign will be spent on message development and saturation. But as Election Day looms, you’ll have to start focusing your efforts on get out the vote/ GOTV. While you should make sure to include the rest of your online platforms in your GOTV efforts, a good place to start is social media. Not surprisingly, it’s a great digital platform for social pressure. You can use social media in a few ways to encourage your target audience to vote.

google for politics

Digital Campaigns and the Googlization of American Politics

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Searching for answers on the web has become a fixture in our lives. Want to go to a movie? Search the time and showings. Buying a house? Search for listings. Interested in a candidate or a local issue? Ask Google.