member communications

Member Communication: Make Membership Outreach Count

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

For organizations large and small, member communication is the key to activating your people ahead of elections and key legislative votes. Depending on the size and nature of your group, your membership may be 1) unified around clear shared goals, or 2) dedicated to the same overarching values but at odds when it comes to the means for achieving them.

Program Evaluation

Did My Program Work? Try These Tips for Program Evaluation

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

It is time to look at program evaluation for 2022 and planning for 2023. Whether you are a non-profit, labor union, independent expenditure organization, issue group, or political campaign, taking the time to evaluate the success of your program is a necessary step to future success.

Member Communications

Member Communications: If You Endorse a Candidate Let People Know!

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

But, to do member communications right you need to plan way ahead. In this post we revisit an endorsement process and help define ways to promote and streamline goals for endorsements and recommendations.

Member Survey and Coffee

Take Your Member Survey Online

by Elena Veatch

A member survey can be a useful tool to get a sense of how your members feel about specific issues. Traditional phone surveys used to be the only option to keep tabs on the pulse of your organization. Luckily, it’s often easier and more cost-effective to poll your members online these days. Below are some factors to think through in executing a member survey that will achieve your goals and reach the right people—all without breaking the bank.

Membership Communication

Member Communication Strategies - 5 Ways To Increase Engagement

by Elena Veatch

With the 2018 election cycle ramping up, it’s never too early to get going on your member communication plan. By amping up your communication, you can harness the power of your membership and get results for the issues you care about. Whether you’re working for a labor union or an advocacy organization, these tips will help make your member communication program count.

membership communication
Member Public Affairs Strategy

Member Public Affairs Strategies to Remember

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Member public affairs strategies can be an amazing way to move your issue forward. Membership organizations should have a head start when it comes to public affairs strategies, but that head start is often complicated. Membership organizations tend to have bureaucratic structures that make it difficult to work nimbly, especially when it comes to public affairs. Because of this, some member organizations have avoided using member-based public affairs strategies and they are missing out.

Orange hard hat

Tips for Better Member Communication

by The Campaign Workshop

Here at The Campaign Workshop, we do a fair amount of member communication. Whether it be for labor unions or advocacy organizations, there are some basic do’s and don’ts we try to follow. Here are some tips: