Ballot measure Polling  - pen checking off box in a row of  black square boxes

Ballot Measure Polling

by The Campaign Workshop

We’ve discussed in past blogs that a large part of executing a #winning political campaign is doing your background research, and ballot measure polling is the best way to find out if you can win and how you can win.

Black question marks on a scattered group of wooden tiles
Crafting a Political Survey

Political Survey: Top Tips For Crafting Political Polling

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

I am not a political pollster, and I don’t play one on T.V. But, I am a big consumer of political polling and spend a lot of time working with pollsters to craft political surveys. When it comes to creating a political survey, we often see folks make the same mistakes.

membership communication
Nancy Leeds Campaign strategist

Inside the Campaign Studio with Campaign Strategist Nancy Leeds

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

This week's campaign strategist is Nancy Leeds. Nancy is a writer and Political Campaign Operative who recently earned her MPA in Social Policy and Management at Columbia University. Sometimes people hire her to work on their non-profits and campaigns. When that happens, these opinions are still hers and do not reflect those of her candidates.

Orange hard hat

Tips for Better Member Communication

by The Campaign Workshop

Here at The Campaign Workshop, we do a fair amount of member communication. Whether it be for labor unions or advocacy organizations, there are some basic do’s and don’ts we try to follow. Here are some tips:

political mail democratic

Making Political Direct Mail More Democratic

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We find it sad that as Democratic political direct mail consultants, the mail we see is often very un-democratic. It’s hard to get real engagement from voters or constituents if you don't even try. Here are some tips on how to increase engagement in your campaigns and make real democratic direct mail.