Open up Your Campaign Toolbox, What Will You Find?
We understand what it’s like to operate a campaign on a tight budget, so we’ve found some free tools to include in your campaign toolbox to help you along the way. We hope you will find them useful as you launch your campaign or look for ways to better organize it. to ve clear no campaign tool will solve all of your campaigns problems. Whether fundraising for a nonprofit, managing an independent expenditure campaign, or seeking office, a few of these tools will surely help you along your way.
Progressive Communicators Network
Progressive Communicators Network focuses on training, but places greater emphasis on non-profit communications. The site includes links to free articles and downloads about communications with the media, storytelling, framing debates, and member communications. There is also a “websites we use” section in case you’re itching for some exploring of your own.
Apps are always good. Free apps are better. The Politico mobile apps are a great way to keep track of political news and analysis. Not into the whole smart phone trend? No worries, Politico also makes apps for tablets and Firefox.
The Conservation Campaign
The Conservation Campaign toolbox is geared towards environmental advocacy groups, although many progressive organizations could benefit from the offered materials. The toolbox contains three useful aids. The Campaign Guide makes you look downfield, forcing you to ask the right questions and align with the campaign’s goals. The Campaign Checklist helps make sure tasks aren’t overlooked, and the case studies provide some interesting examples.
Nonprofits, this is for you! Justenoughplanning.org offers an extensive guide on how to prepare for an issue campaign. In addition, there is a resource center with links to several other useful sites and an interactive online center. You register by email for the online component, but it’s free. The online center provides a great interface for the planning guide that’s head and shoulders above the downloadable book’s offering.
The Smart Chart and Activation Point are great tools for non-profits looking to communicate plans and increase member involvement. While there aren’t a ton of tools here, they are free and useful.
Great free fundraising, event and petition tool to add to your site. Nice layout easy to use, We are fans. Give it a try.
Wellstone offers a variety of really helpful tools to help with communications, fundraising, organizing and management. Check them out!
Sunlight Foundation
Great set of advocacy tools promoting open government and transparency. Tools include a archive of deleted tweets, a congressional bill tracker, information on state legislators and the bills they carry and a influence explorer that lets you track influence by lawmaker company or individual.
We know the campaign toolbox is never complete. What is in your campaign toolbox? what did we miss? In addition to these free online campaign tools to fill out your campaign toolbox, make sure to keep an eye on The Campaign Workshop blog for more information on nifty tools for your advocacy or candidate campaigns.