Keep Everyone Committed To Nonprofit Content Marketing
We started inbound marketing 3 years ago and now we advise other organizations and companies on how to do it in a fun and impactful way.
My best tips for keeping nonprofit content marketing fresh is to get your team and customers involved. Blogging and other forms of content can get old fast if it is just one-person blogging (trust me!) The bottom line is, creating inbound content for a nonprofit whether it is blogging, Videos, infographics, podcasts or other forms of content is a team effort. It will only work if you get the whole team involved.
Don't Be a Nonprofit Content Marketing Tourist
The Internet is littered with people who start a content marketing project and only create a couple pieces of content. They start a blog never touch it again. Don’t be that person or organization. Assess your team’s willingness and ability to truly embrace inbound marketing before you start. Most importantly, if you are going to create content you are going to need to do it for the long term.
You Need to Create Content on a Regular Basis to Make a Real Impact
Creating content that drives search results for your organization is going to take a lot of content – not just a little. Getting the volume you need to have an impact is simple math.
If your goal is to blog three times a week, you need to publish 156 times a year. Blogging twice a week will amount to 104 times a year. This may seem daunting for one person, but if you have ten employees and they each write once per month, you will have 120 blog posts. The key is creating a culture around content and getting your team to buy in.
If You Don't Create Content, Nobody Else Will
If you are expecting your staff to write, then you better lead by example. Nothing will upset a team more than a leader who says creating content is important and never does it. You need to become a writing machine if you want your team to blog. I write all the time and whenever I have an idea for a post, I try to get it written quickly. I set personal goals for content and involve my team in working on posts with me. Personally, I try to write a post every week.
I realize that inbound marketing is a massive under taking and I refuse to put my staff through this unless I walk the walk.
Make It Fun
Having a blog is not meant to be a long walk to content boredom. Make your posts fun, entertaining, and peppy. Work with your team to define what your blog's voice is. Who does it sound like? If your blog were a person in history, who would it be?
Give Credit
Your nonprofit content marketing would not exist if it were not for the nine people who write and edit a ton of content. Make sure you thank your team and contributors for the amazing work they are doing.
Here Are Some More Tips to Get Your Whole Team Involved and Make It Easier to Get Started:
- Hold a team training session where you come up with blog topics.
- Use blog posts to answer customer questions about your business.
- Blog for a few months before you ever publish.
- Create a shared doc to track who is writing and editing posts (there is a example on our site, www.thecampaignworkshop.com)
- Ask customers and vendors to submit guest posts! They will get exposure for their own business by doing this.
- Give away prizes for folks writing posts. We have given away bottles of wine, ice cream, and theme park tickets.
- Try video content.
- Use infographics
Thank your team, give them credit, and make the experience a positive one – not a chore. We hope this helps. Check out our nonprofit content marketing resources below.