Digital Video Ads

Getting Started with Digital Video Ads in Your Campaign

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

Digital video advertising continues to be a key tool in every political campaign’s toolbox, providing a potent combination of visual storytelling and emotional engagement. Whether it's social media or programmatic, the power of a great video ad cannot be overstated. In the ever-evolving landscape of political campaigns, understanding the nuances of digital video is crucial for a successful digital ad strategy.

campaign advertising black birds perching on a green fence

Incorporating Geofencing into Your Campaign Advertising

by Sophie Thurber (She/Her)

Whether you’re running a political campaign or an advocacy program, geofencing can be an incredibly useful tactic within your larger campaign advertising toolbox. Geofencing is a method of targeting mobile ads to people within a tight geographic area.

Person typing Nonprofit ads

Nonprofit Ads: Should I Run a CPA Campaign?

Nonprofit ads are bought with a limited budget. To make the most of their budget for non profit ads, a lot of advocacy organizations will look for ways to increase their membership or put public pressure on legislators. The best way to accomplish both of these goals may be through a CPA campaign.

Colorful block letters digital advertising acronyms

Digital Advertising Acronyms: Key Terms For Digital Campaign Ads

by The Campaign Workshop

When entering  the digital advertising world without any prior experience or  background in the field, one of the largest challenges you will face would be getting the hang of all of the digital advertising acronyms. Digital advertising has its own language DSP, DMP, CPM, CPA, CTR... What do all these ad terms mean?

Digital Campaigns: Group of people sitting around a table and using electronics

Digital Campaigns Work With Political Campaigns

Digital campaigns for political causes have come a long way since we ran our first one in 2003 for the League of Conservation Voters in Colorado. We created a pretty rudimentary animated flash ad of gas spewing out of a car driven by Pete Coors.

Woman looking at graphs on a computer monitor and laptop

Demand Side Platforms: What's the Best DSP for Your Organization?

What are the best demand side platforms for advocacy or political campaigns? That depends on what your needs for digital campaigns are. How much staff capacity do you have? What are the budgets you’re looking to spend? Most vendors now also give you the option to have a dedicated member of their staff manage your campaign or will give you the keys to their demand side platform to manage your campaign yourself.

Mouse with cord shaped like a thumbs up

Native Political Campaign Ads

Native ads have become popular over the past few years, but can you use them for political campaign ads?

Girl hitting a pinata

Political Campaign Ads: Increasing Your Reach

by The Campaign Workshop

When planning your overall campaign strategy, political campaign ads play an important role, however they are not without their issues. One of the biggest problems with digital campaigns is that they are not tied closely enough to your overall campaign strategy. Digital tools are an important vehicle to help you reach your overall political goals and should be thought of as such.

If Facebook stops running political ads. Person holding picture of megaphone with  text bubble

If Facebook Stops Political Ads - What Should Campaigns Do?

by The Campaign Workshop

Twitter announced that they will stop allowing political ads to run on its platform which has the potential to have further implications across the industry. Will other companies follow suit? Facebook has received a lot of flak lately from both the public and the government centered around political ads.

YouTube Brand Lift

Youtube Brand Lift Study Tool for Your Advocacy Campaign

by The Campaign Workshop

Today, we’ll talk about a little-known but very powerful tool for advocacy campaigns - the Youtube Brand Lift Study. Standard metrics such as views and clicks are great ways to track how many people have viewed and interacted with your video ads online.

Picture of a bench in front of a blue sky advertisement.

Digital Political Ad Transparency: What is My Opponent Advertising?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Digital political ad transparency has been an elusive thing. In a world of fake news, hacked sites and independent expenditures from groups you have never heard of, actionable information on digital spending is important. For years, you have been able to find out what opponents are spending on television and radio. Now, digital publishers a re starting to focus on  digital ad transparency. They are making it easier to see what folks are doing with paid digital political ads.

Two people looking at phones to plan their winning digital ad campaign.

Winning Digital Ad Campaign: Plan First

by The Campaign Workshop

Looking for a winning digital ad campaign? These days every campaign has some kind of digital ad component to it, but how does that result in electoral outcomes? Results vary and really depend on what kind of campaign you’re running. Here are some clear steps to develop a winning digital ad campaign.