Digital Video Ads

Getting Started with Digital Video Ads in Your Campaign

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

Digital video advertising continues to be a key tool in every political campaign’s toolbox, providing a potent combination of visual storytelling and emotional engagement. Whether it's social media or programmatic, the power of a great video ad cannot be overstated. In the ever-evolving landscape of political campaigns, understanding the nuances of digital video is crucial for a successful digital ad strategy.

advocacy video

Setting up your Advocacy Video for Success

We have all seen the exponential rise of short, viral videos in the last few years¬–so how can we garner the same popularity for advocacy videos? As social media platforms continue to expand and become more popular, creating videos for your campaign can prove to be a worthwhile financial and creative investment. 

Video Content

Youtube vs. Wistia: Hosting Nonprofit Video Content

YouTube is the core platform for many folks when it comes to nonprofit video content. There is a whole culture around YouTube, leading many people to just assume that it is the only platform to use to host your videos.

Advocacy Video on a budget

Advocacy Video That Won't Break the Bank

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Advocacy video is all over social media and across the internet. Video has really become an essential channel for leveraging support on an issue for nonprofits. It’s no wonder why, many advocacy organizations and nonprofits have supporters with compelling narratives, and video is a great medium for storytelling. But we’ve seen too many small or mid-sized nonprofits that still choose to avoid creating an advocacy video strategy because they have a limited budget.

Set up for Facebook Live. An iPhone on a tripod on top of a desk.
 Candidate video shoot -desk with a bunch of supplies on it.
Instagram picture of hands holding up an iPhone taking a picture of a city skyline on the water.

Instagram a Political and Advocacy Campaign Tool

by The Campaign Workshop

If you're running a campaign on a tight budget and have an important story to tell, Instagram can help. Not only is it completely free, but it’s also easy to use. With more than one billion monthly active Instagram users, it would be wise to get on the “Instagram train” now!

Two girls curled up on the couch looking at an ipad in the dark