Advocacy Campaign Tips

Advocacy Campaign Tips to Help You Succeed

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

Executing a successful and impactful advocacy campaign requires time, dedication, and organization. In today’s day and age, there is strong competition from various advocacy issues fighting for attention, so to run a successful campaign, you will need to be ready to hit the ground running.

advocacy marketing

10 Tips to Amp Up Your Advocacy Marketing

If you've ever worked on an issue advocacy campaign, you know that convincing a person to even listen to your message can be a difficult task. Now, more than ever, public opinion has become harder to shape when people tune out information more than they tune it in.

advocacy video

Setting up your Advocacy Video for Success

We have all seen the exponential rise of short, viral videos in the last few years¬–so how can we garner the same popularity for advocacy videos? As social media platforms continue to expand and become more popular, creating videos for your campaign can prove to be a worthwhile financial and creative investment. 

Advocacy Strategy

Advocacy Strategy and Advocacy Tactics: What is the Difference?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

You and your organization have worked hard to create great policy. Now, how do you get Congress or your state legislature to turn policy recommendations into policy reality? You need a clear and detailed advocacy strategy that outlines your overall goal and effective tactics that will help you cross the finish line.

Campaign Mistakes

Campaign Mistakes: Warning Signs of a Losing Political Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Can you spot mistakes in your campaign? As a trainer and consultant for over 20 years - Here are some warning signs to help you spot and course-correct a losing political campaign.

Opposition research - green chat bubble with a thumbs down and red chat bubble with a thumbs up

Opposition Research, or How Knowledge is Power

by The Campaign Workshop

You may think opposition research is really only something Independent Expenditures need, but that isn’t the case. Opposition research can serve a purpose on every type of campaign. Although Google searches can provide some insight to an opponent’s background and any news coverage, there are entire political consulting firms that specialize in opposition work.

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Post-Election Campaign Shutdown Checklist

by Ben Holse (He/Him) and Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Your campaign is finally over and you might be feeling a bit of that post-campaign emptiness inside. We understand that feeling and have a lot of insight on what to do after a win or a loss. Like for most things in your campaign you’ll want to be thinking about a plan for your campaign shutdown at the beginning of the campaign as part of your overall campaign plan.

election day on a calendar:  - After the election

After the Election Checklist

by Elena Veatch

It’s the day after the election — you finally made it. Whether you won or lost your political campaign, your operation won’t end as soon as the results are in. You ran an organization for months that hopefully bore semblance to a well-oiled machine. You likely had people on your payroll, whether it was one campaign manager or a whole team of dedicated staff.

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How to Guide: Campaign Logos

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

The advertising world is well-versed in using and exploiting the visual language of typography to convey messages that go beyond the overt, verbal language on the page. Cal Swan, author of Language and Typography, says, “These two distinct areas often come together in practice as there is clearly a very strong relationship between the conception of the words as a message and their transmission in visible form.” Nowhere is this more important than in political messaging.

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Timelines and an Advocacy RFP Template

Using an advocacy RFP template can help streamline the process of hiring the right partner for your next project. The exercise of filling out the template should help you identify your goals, any constraints on the project, and strengths and weaknesses in your organization.

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Legislative Advocacy Kick Off

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

For many issues, legislative advocacy is the best and only way to bring about real change. But there’s a lot of different ways to engage in legislative advocacy. There’s the traditional “inside game” where you work to provide resources and information to lawmakers. There’s also the “outside game” where you work with a network of volunteers to provide pressure on legislators from the outside.

People in suits in runner's position

Political Candidate Assessment: Am I Ready to Run?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Before any runner steps up to the starting blocks, there are months and months of preparation done to ensure they are ready. The same goes for a political candidate deciding to run for office. Here’s a self-assessment guide that’s a follow up to our e-book Are You Ready to Run for Office? and can help potential first-time candidates make a thoughtful decision.