deep canvassing

7 Questions with Dave Fleischer on Deep Canvassing

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

David Fleischer is the founder and former director of the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Leadership LAB, and the creator of the pioneering outreach approach called “deep canvassing”. Before the Leadership Lab, David led political training programs at the LGBTQ Victory Fund and the National LGBTQ Task Force. He has politically organized all over the country, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights for decades. His work has been profiled in major publications such as The Atlantic and the New York Times days, David has an amazing Substack you should check out and writes about deep canvassing and its empirically proven ability to change hearts and minds. This week, we asked Dave 7 questions about his career path and experience.  Checkout the podcast interview here.


Grasstops vs Grassroots Advocacy

Grasstops vs Grassroots Advocacy

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Grasstops and grassroots are both an important part to any successful advocacy campaign. Maybe you’ve heard the term and have asked, “What’s the difference?" They sure sound the same. Well, you're not the only one scratching your head.

volunteer recruitment

Volunteer Recruitment That Rocks | Grassroots Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Volunteer recruitment is never easy - but when done right, volunteer recruitment can build on itself. Here are 16 rock solid volunteer recruitment tips to get your grassroots campaign started:


Grasstops - to Step Up Your Advocacy Campaign

A grasstops campaign seeks to persuade the people who can influence key decision-makers. Legislators are often inundated with calls, emails, petitions, meetings, and other communications about a wide variety of issues. Breaking through that noise is tough, and grassroots campaigns, unless they reach critical mass, may not be enough on their own.

Two women chatting in park with masks on

Deep Canvassing in a Pandemic: A Complete Guide

by The Campaign Workshop

Deep canvassing is a growing tactic for voter persuasion that uses longer, two-way conversations. Campaigns, especially electoral campaigns, are always on the lookout to find the most efficient and effective way to persuade voters to support their cause. In the past, door to door canvassing and phone campaigns were a staple of field operations to identify and persuade voters to vote for their candidate or issue.

white piggy bank facing left with a blue background

ActBlue - Democratic Grassroots Campaign Fundraising Platform

by The Campaign Workshop

ActBlue is a nonprofit organization that aims to increase public participation in politics primarily through grassroots campaign fundraising. Their grassroots political fundraising tool allows Democratic and progressive campaigns and organizations to increase their individual donations and build a grassroots-funded movement.

coalition building, paper cutouts holding hands

Coalition Building Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

If you’re a member of an organization that has spotted a need for change but doesn’t know how to make a meaningful impact alone, coalition building may be the answer for you. Though you may know the change you want to make, the hardest part is figuring out how to get started. Do you have enough resources, money and otherwise, to make this happen?

hand dropping paper with question marks into box

7 Questions with Joshua Habursky on Grassroots Advocacy

by The Campaign Workshop

Joshua Habursky is the Founder and Chairman of the Grassroots Professional Network (GPN), an organization that helps associations, corporations, and government agencies develop skills in the world of grassroots advocacy. Joshua is also an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management and specializes in advocacy communications. 

non-political books for politicos

Non-Political Books for Politicos

by Elena Veatch

When you get into politics, it’s hard to resist the all too common tunnel vision of focusing only on politics. But be careful – binge watching Veep or The West Wing is not going to help you run a better campaign or organization; nor will reading solely political books. So Here are some of our favorite non-political books. 

how to be an awesome grassroots organizer

How to Be an Awesome Grassroots Organizer | Grassroots Organizing

by The Campaign Workshop

The 2018 election cycle is here! Everyone has a renewed spirit of social justice and resistance. Lots of activists are looking for ways to get involved in the new wave of change. Are you thinking about becoming a grassroots organizer?


Canvass Training to Make Your Canvassing a Success

As candidates, by this point you have probably been knocking on doors for weeks and are finally at a place where you are ready to bring in the cavalry, your volunteers! For campaigns, we believe in doors, doors, and more doors.  Those doors translate into more voter contact and more identified targets for GOTV. Hitting doors in the right way is why having a structured and detailed canvass training is vitally important.


Digital Tool Talk: 7 Questions with VoterCircle

by Elena Veatch

VoterCircle is a digital tool that elevates friend-to-friend outreach over traditional campaign-to-voter contact. VoterCircle has been featured in our 100 campaign tools lists can change the way any campaign does volunteer recruitment, grassroots fundraising, and GOTV. We talked with founder and CEO Sangeeth Peruri about leveraging personal networks and more.