Young woman recording user-generated content with a camera.

User-Generated Content for Everyone -Storytelling for Advocacy

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

During the time of COVID-19, getting together and sharing stories is an impossibility. So, when my mom turned 80, my sister came upon an easy user-generated content tool to organize friends to send a message to my mom for her friends and family. Five days and a few tutorials later, using Video Hug, we had organized a couple dozen 80-year-olds to send a message to my mom you can see the finished product here.  

Girl in front of pink brick wall with colorful chalk lines drawn -storytelling for campaign communications.

Storytelling: Bring Campaign Communications to Life

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Storytelling in campaign communications can have a powerful impact on your advocacy campaign, member outreach or political communications. There are many ways to bolster your message, from numbers and statistics to expert testimony to eye-catching visuals, but one tactic that sometimes gets overlooked is storytelling. 

storytelling techniques

Storytelling Techniques and Writing 7 Qs With Gavin Edwards

by The Campaign Workshop

Gavin Edwards is a three-time New York Times-bestselling author and public speaker. Throughout his career, he has written twelve books and made appearances on NBC’s Today show, VH1’s Behind the Music, and NPR’s All Things Considered. The common thread between Gavin’s praised writing and skilled public speaking is his ability to tell a story in an effective and engaging way.

Stump Speech Writing

Stump Speech: The Ultimate Speechwriting Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Here is our ultimate guide to writing a great stump speech. We all know that the candidate is the campaign’s best asset, and the stump speech is the best campaign tool for delivering a 7C’s (clear, concise, contrastive, connective, creative, compelling, consistent) message and personal story about the candidate and campaign.

Confessions of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur
Working with a Campaign Toolbox

Campaign Toolbox Tips

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We understand what it’s like to operate a campaign on a tight budget, so we’ve found some free tools to include in your campaign toolbox to help you along the way.  We hope you will find them useful as you launch your campaign or look for ways to better organize it. to ve clear no campaign tool will solve all of your campaigns problems.  Whether fundraising for a nonprofit, managing an independent expenditure campaign, or seeking office, a few of these tools will surely help you along your way.