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People waiting to be interviewed for campaign jobs

Campaign Jobs & Political Job Search: Nonprofit & Political Careers

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Campaign jobs on the left side of the aisle can be challenging to find, so can any political, advocacy or non profit jobs. Don't just google "political jobs near me ", We have developed our mega job search list to take out the guess work. What started with a few job lists like Tom Manatos, Brad Travers, and the Jobs That Are Left Google group has grown up. We now have over 40 sites on this list, that focus on a wide variety of jobs in the political and nonprofit space.

Woman standing on top of  bar graph after finding her political campaign job

How to Find a Political Campaign Job

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When I started on the campaign trail, I was lucky enough to go through the Campaign Management Institute, where I became focused on grassroots political campaigns and met mentors through college programs and internships. Meeting folks who had made careers out of political campaigns, advocacy and public affairs, encouraged me to go on the road, pursue a career in politics and find a political campaign job and become a campaign staffer.

Finding your path using nonprofit job boards

Nonprofit Job Boards For Your Next Career Move

If you’re looking for your next career move that makes a difference, check out nonprofit job boards to find openings in the areas you’re interested in. Below, we compiled a list of boards that will help you find the right fit. Check out our larger list of job boards, jobs banks, and search firms here.


Political Campaign Manager: 6 Traits to Look for, Before You Hire

by The Campaign Workshop

Whether you're running for city council or congress, hiring a skilled political campaign manager is an essential part of your electoral success. From brainstorming campaign strategies and managing budgets to prepping a candidate for public appearances, the political campaign manager is the backbone of every campaign.

100 campaign management tools

Campaign Management Tools: 100 Campaign Tools List 2020

by The Campaign Workshop

So your advocacy or political campaign is gearing up for the 2020 cycle, and you’re already starting to find that you can’t possibly keep track of everything that’s going on. Fear not — the 100+ Best Campaign Management Tools List will make your campaign life easier!

campaign jobs
5 ducks in a row. The second duck is getting pulled out by a fishing rod.
political campaign jobs

Political Campaign Jobs Are Hard to Find

by The Campaign Workshop

Political campaign jobs can be elusive to find. As someone who has gone through the daunting task of political job hunting not too long ago, I know how tough it can be to land a political campaign job—especially your first. With so many newly minted undergraduate, graduate, and even law school grads hunting for jobs in the same market, it can sometimes be an overwhelming and discouraging undertaking.

How to Find a Political Campaign Job

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When I started on the campaign trail, I was lucky enough to go through the Campaign Management Institute, where I became focused on political campaigns and encountered great mentors like Peter Fenn, Richard Smolka, Bill Sweeney and Peter Lindstrom through college programs and internships. Meeting folks who had made careers out of politics encouraged me to set aside my mom’s vision of me becoming  a professional chef and instead, pursue a career in politics and find a political campaign job.

Working in DC

5 Tips to Find a Political Job in DC

by The Campaign Workshop

Here at TCW, we are fortunate enough to work with some really fantastic folks across the country. From campaign managers to photographers to data people and more, we partner with other supporting players to help our clients win. At the end of the cycle, and during an odd year, we often get asked by some of these folks for help in a DC-based political job search. Here are a few tips I often give people who are looking to land a political job in our nation’s capital:

Political Job Search Brad Traverse
job hunt

Tackling Your First Political Job Hunt

by The Campaign Workshop

If job hunting at any stage in life is a daunting process, searching for your first ever political job as a young person can be soul-crushing. While you may not be able to avoid all the headaches and meltdowns that accompany your transition into the Real World, these tips for your first political job hunt will at least help you breathe more easily (and maybe even sleep at night) as you navigate.

Black glasses on a white backdrop

Political Campaign Website: How to Rank in Google Searches

by The Campaign Workshop

With platforms like Squarespace and WordPress, it’s become pretty easy for campaigns to set up their own political campaign websites. That being said, now that the average joe can build a website without a backend developer, it’s now harder for a website to be seen via organic search. Simply put, there’s a lot of crap out there that your site is competing with.

row of old books

Political Campaign Strategy: Read these books to get a strategic edge

by Elena Veatch

To build an effective political campaign strategy, you need to understand the landscape your campaign is operating in. While talking to voters is always going to be the best way to get to know the issues that drive your community (and the larger American electorate), books are another great resource to inform your approach to politics.

Digital Targeting

Independent Expenditure Campaign Tips for Digital Targeting & Messaging

by Julie Watson (She/Her)

Independent expenditure campaigns play a unique and vital role in many elections. They can support candidate campaigns by filling the gaps that they may have in their strategies, resources, or messages. These independent campaigns can use digital advertising to target different audiences, convey different messages, and use different tactics than candidate campaigns. This can help the candidate campaigns reach, persuade, and mobilize more voters.

Job fair

Code For Progress Job Fair

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

We are big fans of Code for Progress. They have a great mission and hold a yearly job fair. If you are you looking to hire an app developer or data analyst, check out the Code for Progress job fair. For more information about Code for Progress visit them here. If Code For Progress is not a fit for you but you are looking to work on a campaign, you can check out lots of great programs here.

7 Questions with Nancy Leeds
Three young people working at a paid internship

Why We Have a Paid Internship Program at The Campaign Workshop

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Finding a paid internship in politics, public affairs or political consulting is not easy. Oftentimes, hours of web research end in disappointment with search results offering unpaid internships with unclear job descriptions. Many small businesses have given up on internships altogether, paid or unpaid, because they could not find value.

Advanced Micro-Targeting

Advanced Micro-Targeting: Campaign Data Targeting Is Key to Winning

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Advanced micro-targeting can be the tactical advantage you need to win your campaign. Before delving into micro-targeting, voter modeling, and other advanced-targeting, let’s begin by defining targeting to ensure we’re all on the same page. This process is crucial for all campaigns-candidates, ballot initiatives, independent expenditure, and more.

Decide where to go with the help of a career coach

7 Questions with Career Coach Emily Lamia

by The Campaign Workshop

Career coach Emily Lamia has been helping people grow and develop in their careers for over a decade. She has supported countless people to network more effectively, interview more confidently, and think more strategically about how to get where they want to go.