The Campaign Workshop Blog, is hosted by The Campaign Workshop - an advocacy and political consulting firm. We write about tactics for advocacy, membership, civic engagement, and progressive politics.  We post weekly, and also publish ebooks, host webinars, and The How to Win a Campaign Podcast. Sign up to learn more.   

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Crypto Donations

Crypto Donations: Should My Nonprofit Accept Crypto?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As the use of cryptocurrency, such as bitcoin, grows, more and more nonprofits are accepting bitcoin donations, but what are the upsides and downsides of taking crypto donations? Should all nonprofits get on the crypto donation caravan? Read for our take on cryptocurrency for nonprofits.

Political Campaign Website

Political Campaign Website: Are you Ready for 2022?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

A political campaign website is one of the most important early investments a campaign can make. Your website gives voters a place where they can learn more about your campaign and where you can spin your narrative however you want. Until recently, websites costed thousands of dollars to develop and required many months of careful planning and plenty of time to build.

advocacy strategy

Advocacy Strategies: Approach Change Holistically

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Advocacy campaigns should be built on advocacy strategies. Simple, right? But creating a strong foundation for an advocacy campaign is sometimes easier said than done.

campaign message

Campaign Message: 7 Tips for How to Stay on Message in 2022

by The Campaign Workshop

Is Your campaign message ready for 2022?  You may be wondering how to stay on message in the new year in order to meet your goals. The new year will bring with it plenty of forums, debates, and other public speaking events that will serve as opportunities to share your campaign message with diverse audiences.

Democratic Direct Mail

Democratic Direct Mail: What Does a Political Mail Firm Do?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

What does a campaign mail firm do? Admit it, this is a question that a lot of people have asked but never got a clear answer. Well, never fear, after producing winning Democratic direct mail for over ten years, The Campaign Workshop is here with answers.

Virtual Training

Virtual Training, In-Person Training, and Hybrid Training: What is the Difference?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Thinking about virtual training? As a company, we create and run political, campaign, and advocacy training programs for groups and organizations. Since 2009, we had done all our training in person, but Covid-19 changed that. We now do a mix of virtual and in-person training on a wide range of topics from advocacy, and candidate training, to board facilitation.

Virtual Fundraising

Virtual Fundraising Event Tips

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Virtual fundraising is not easy. These tips will help you build a virtual fundraising event plan. No matter the size, let us share our experience on what fundraising mistakes to avoid and how to launch and execute a successful virtual fundraiser.

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings: Put a Little Zip in Your Zoom

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Virtual meetings don’t have to suck. Due to COVID-19, most organizations are Zoomed out, but virtual meetings are not going away anytime soon. Learn how to get the most out your Zoom meetings while being informative and engaging.


Canvassing Rural Areas

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Canvassing rural areas present a unique set of challenges. You want to door knock as many homes in these areas as you can. Grassroots canvassing is the most effective method of volunteer voter contact so plan for the door-to-door canvas program to take time and resources. You also want to be conscious of your resources and canvas in a way that makes sense for both you and your canvassers.

Campaign Management Tools

Campaign Management Tools: Campaign tools and Trends for 2022

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Looking for campaign management tools?  So, you are gearing up your political campaign or advocacy program for the 2022 cycle, and you’re already starting to find that you can’t possibly keep track of every campaign tool you need. Fear not. We are back with our 4th edition of the 100+ Best Campaign Management Tools List. This year’s version will make your campaign tools choice easier! 

Peer-to-Peer texting: Is the party over?

Peer-to-Peer Texting: Is the Party Over?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Whether you like peer-to-peer texting or hate it, it is essential to understand it if you run an organization or a political campaign. This is due to a changing landscape with real implications for fundraising, organizing, and voter turnout activities in the short and long term.

political email list

How to Build a Political Email List

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

There are ads all over the internet to buy a political email. As easy as it sounds, do not do it – do not buy a political email list. They are waste of money, can hurt your online reputation and upset constituents. Instead, build a list organically. Building a political email list is a daunting task, but with a few tactics, planning and patience, you can increase your supporter base.

Tim Gibbs

7 Questions with Tim Gibbs

by The Campaign Workshop

Tim Gibbs has worked in the public policy sphere for more than 20 years, where he helped pass impactful laws at both the municipal and state levels. In the last five years, Gibbs played a critical role in passing over 100 local ordinances, including successfully advocating against the sale of flavored tobacco products within various urban and rural areas of California.

Political organizing

The Future of Political Organizing "Post-Pandemic"

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

We’ve written a lot about political organizing and tactics like canvassing and phone banking in the past. But what does the future of political organizing hold in a post-pandemic world? Will digital be more important than in-person? How will grassroots and tech work together? What will the role of data be?


IssueVoter - Maria Yuan Answers 7 Questions

by The Campaign Workshop

IssueVoter founder Maria Yuan decided to start the nonpartisan platform after working on a successful political campaign in one of Iowa’s swing districts and for a Texas State Representative. The organization seeks to increase civic engagement and communication between constituents and their members of Congress.

SEO for Digital Campaigns

Digital Campaigns: Improving SEO for Digital Advocacy

by The Campaign Workshop

When it comes to digital campaigns an organic approach is often overlooked. The first place most of us look to answer a question is online. But often digital advocacy campaigns and political campaigns forget about search especially organic search in their digital strategy.

Care2 Petitionz

Care2 Petitions: 7 Questions on Cost Per Acquisition

Molly Connors is the Director of Business Development for Care2, a social network for good with 50 million members starting Care2 petitions and sharing stories that inspire action. Care2 helps connect nonprofits and mission-based brands with supporters who are passionate about their causes.

Joe Weston Answers 7 Questions

7 Questions with Joe Weston, Respectful Confrontation Expert

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Joe Weston is the founder of the Weston Network, which trains corporations, governments, and other organizations on communication, productivity, and time and stress management. Joe Weston works with individuals to build their self-confidence, enrich their relationships, and gain clarity in their life goals.

Political endorsements

Political Endorsements: What’s Your Strategy?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Campaign endorsements can still make a big difference in politics. But to make your political endorsements count, you need to have a strategy to collect them and amplify them. Be intentional about what political endorsements matter and how you will use them.

Campaign Staffers

Campaign staffers: Robinson’s Rules for Campaign Staff (and TCW)

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Will Robinson of the New Media Firm penned his rules for campaign staffers over 25 years ago and they are truly words to live by. Over the years, these rules have saved money, time and jobs for many campaign staffers who have heard and lived by them. Whether you are working on a candidate’s campaign, ballot measures, or independent expenditures, these campaign rules will help.