The Campaign Workshop Blog, is hosted by The Campaign Workshop - an advocacy and political consulting firm. We write about tactics for advocacy, membership, civic engagement, and progressive politics.  We post weekly, and also publish ebooks, host webinars, and The How to Win a Campaign Podcast. Sign up to learn more.   

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Gigi Georges

7 Questions with Gigi Georges

by The Campaign Workshop

Gigi Georges, a Brooklyn native who now splits her time between New Hampshire and Downeast Maine, wrote her first book after an extensive career in politics, public service, and academia. A former White House special assistant to President Bill Clinton and State Director for Senator Hillary Clinton, Georges has taught political science at Boston College, been a program director at the Harvard Kennedy School, and served as a managing director for the Glover Park Group.

Kim Rogers

7 Questions with Kim Rogers

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Kim Rogers is an Executive Director at the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS) where she focuses a lot of her attention on electoral politics. The DASS is committed to both electing and protecting Democratic Secretaries of States.

Decide where to go with the help of a career coach

7 Questions with Career Coach Emily Lamia

by The Campaign Workshop

Career coach Emily Lamia has been helping people grow and develop in their careers for over a decade. She has supported countless people to network more effectively, interview more confidently, and think more strategically about how to get where they want to go.

Josh Greene

7 Questions with Josh Greene

by The Campaign Workshop

Josh Greene is the CEO of The Mather Group - where he focuses on utilizing Wikipedia, SEO, retargeting and pay-per-click (PPC) as means to improve clients’ online presence and website traffic. Josh worked in corporate marketing before starting the Mather group and has a keen understanding of how SEO and web presence can enhance a brand. This week, we asked Josh 7 questions about his work.

Julie Rodgers

7 Questions with Julie Rodgers

by The Campaign Workshop

Julie Rodgers is a writer, speaker, and leader in the movement toward full inclusion for LGBTQ people in Christian communities. Rodgers has been featured in Pray Away, a documentary about the “pray the gay away” movement, where she talks about her experience as a survivor of conversion therapy.

Danica Roem

7 Questions with Delegate Danica Roem

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Delegate Danica Roem serves as delegate for Virginia House District 13. Roem served as the first openly transgender in any U.S. state legislature. With a background in journalism and a passion for improving citizens quality of life, Danica was inspired to help solve the issues which she reported on everyday throughout her journalism career.

Media Consolidation

Media Consolidation Changed Political Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

During this midterm election season, the media landscape is an important place for campaigns and organizations to look as they plan for the fall.  As we continue to see, all elections in the US have become more and more nationalized.

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Problems for Nonprofits and Political Campaigns

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Supply chain issues are real for political campaigns and nonprofit organizations. So, if you are running any kind of campaign in 2022 or 2023 be prepared. The supply chain issues will cause stress when it comes to voter and member outreach in 2022.

close up of someone writing out  a campaign job application

Campaign Job Descriptions: Winning campaign Team = Clear Campaign Roles

Once you’ve decided to run for office, one of the first things you’ll have to do is think about campaign structure. Define your campaign roles— paid and unpaid— and write out campaign job descriptions that will help you build a winning campaign team.

Signature gathering

Why You Should Start Your Signature Gathering Effort Early

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

For groups and organizations that are interested in getting a measure on the ballot, signature gathering can be a costly, time-intensive, and pain-staking affair. You’ll need to raise the money to pay an expensive field consultant to manage the process for you. There’s a steady unease about hitting your numbers, and all of this is compounded with the stress of knowing that the success of your effort hangs in the balance.

Opposition research - green chat bubble with a thumbs down and red chat bubble with a thumbs up

Opposition Research, or How Knowledge is Power

by The Campaign Workshop

You may think opposition research is really only something Independent Expenditures need, but that isn’t the case. Opposition research can serve a purpose on every type of campaign. Although Google searches can provide some insight to an opponent’s background and any news coverage, there are entire political consulting firms that specialize in opposition work.

Political campaign budget: piggy banks from small to large

Political Campaign Budget - The Complete Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

If there’s one common thread that runs through the progressive movement and Democratic political campaigns, it’s that they are very often operating with a limited budget. This fact makes having a political campaign budget critically important, because you must be strategic with how your resources are spent and get the most out of each dollar.

people sitting and reading newspapers

Political Newsletters Political Consultants Read Before Breakfast

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Political news moves at a breakneck pace, and while following along on social media can be a great way to keep up with the latest blips on the screen, we also like to read a handful of political newsletters before stepping into the office. Sometimes even our own.

Guide to Coalition Building

Coalition Building Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

If you’re a member of an organization that has spotted a need for change but doesn’t know how to make a meaningful impact alone, coalition building may be the answer for you. Though you may know the change you want to make, the hardest part is figuring out how to get started. Do you have enough resources, money and otherwise, to make this happen?

crypto for political campaigns

Crypto for Political Campaigns and NFTs for Fundraising

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Is crypto for political campaigns something my campaign should spend time on? For most campaigns, the answer is no. Few folks understand crypto but there is pressure in the world of campaigning when it comes to crypto and NFTs. My focus on NFTs and crypto has mainly been on the non-profit space (501c3s and 501c4s). I think in those instances there are clearer lines on how nonprofits can benefit from them. There are real incentives for donors to donate crypto to 501c3s. You can learn more about that here.

Member Communications

Member Communications: If You Endorse a Candidate Let People Know!

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

But, to do member communications right you need to plan way ahead. In this post we revisit an endorsement process and help define ways to promote and streamline goals for endorsements and recommendations.

Remote Company

Remote Company: Why The Campaign Workshop Became a Virtual Team

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Do you work at a remote company? Learn how The Campaign Workshop became a permanently remote company in April of 2020. Like many companies, the pandemic made us rethink our workplace and appreciate the benefits of a remote model.

three people holding puzzle pieces, putting them together, blue background

Facebook Campaign Strategy for Paid and Organic

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Facebook campaign strategy - can be frustrating,  but as you plan for elections you need a strategy to navigate and plan for paid and organic content, especially as Facebook continues to change their rules for targeting.

Advocacy Message

Advocacy Message: Know Your Advocacy Campaign Goals

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Advocacy message development can be challenging. Join us as we go through the basics of developing an advocacy message, as well as more advanced steps to build an advocacy message that goes the distance.

QR Codes

QR Codes for Politics: Should I Use QR Codes for Politics and Advocacy?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Thinking about how to use QR codes for politics and advocacy? Whether you are in politics, membership, or advocacy spaces and do any kind of targeted communication, you need to think about how QR codes can be useful for your work and what the limitations are.