Evaluating Success for Your Campaign Strategy

by The Campaign Workshop

Now more than ever, it's important to set measurable goals for success and to evaluate your campaign strategy against those goals. What may have worked for another campaign may fail miserably for yours, so keeping your benchmarks for success in mind will be critical. Let's look back at evaluating the success of your campaign strategy. 

How to Find a Political Campaign Job

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When I started on the campaign trail, I was lucky enough to go through the Campaign Management Institute, where I became focused on political campaigns and encountered great mentors like Peter Fenn, Richard Smolka, Bill Sweeney and Peter Lindstrom through college programs and internships. Meeting folks who had made careers out of politics encouraged me to set aside my mom’s vision of me becoming  a professional chef and instead, pursue a career in politics and find a political campaign job.

Content Marketing for Non-Profits

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Content marketing for non-profits is similar to marketing a for-profit company. The goal is to leverage the expertise inherent within your team to help market your organization. And one very common method of sharing this expertise is through blogging. The more people who view your blog posts online and the more keywords you use in those posts, the higher your non-profit will rank in Google searches.

list-building best practices photo

List Building for Nonprofits | Organizational Best Practices

by The Campaign Workshop

List building for nonprofits is extremely important. These are people you can turn to for donations, taking action on your behalf, volunteering, and more. When list building, it’s important that you follow a few best practices. This will ensure you’re getting the best possible supporters and doing so in the best possible way.

LGBT Candidates

What All Candidates Should Learn From Openly Gay Candidates

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

For a long time, I have said that LGBT Candidates ( Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender and Gay candidates), tend to be better candidates than their straight counterparts at running for office. It’s because LGBT candidates have to be. If you are breaking a barrier, it is only those with stellar qualifications and incredible drive who get through tough election fights and win.

Advocacy Campaign

Effective Advocacy Campaign Tips

by The Campaign Workshop

Running an effective advocacy campaign takes skill and planning here are five tips to run a winning advocacy campaign:

Campaign Best Practices

Campaign Best Practices: Beating Murphy's Law in Politics.

by The Campaign Workshop

Campaign best practices can make a real difference on your political campaign. Over the course of my career, I have pretty much seen it all happen on political campaigns. From the candidate’s brother dying mere weeks before Election Day to losing power at a staging location and everything in between. Murphy’s Law states “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Part of being a good organizer is always hoping for the best on political campaigns, but planning for the worst.