The Campaign Workshop Blog, is hosted by The Campaign Workshop - an advocacy and political consulting firm. We write about tactics for advocacy, membership, civic engagement, and progressive politics.  We post weekly, and also publish ebooks, host webinars, and The How to Win a Campaign Podcast. Sign up to learn more.   

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should non profits leave twitter/x

Should Nonprofits Leave Twitter/X?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

As nonprofits leave Twitter or X, we discuss the implications of this decision and where nonprofits can go instead. Before you go, plan the next steps and consider the impact on your organization. This post serves as an update to one of last year's most engaging discussions.

ballot language

Why Ballot Language Matters

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Ballot language for ballot initiatives matters more than anything else and can make or break your initiative from the beginning. It has long been said that ballot measure language can be the difference between winning and losing. Here are some basics on ballot measure wording and how it can make or break your measure.

Digital video tips for your ballot measure - Four young adults standing in a circle looking at their phones.

Ballot Measure Campaign Digital Video Tips

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

As anyone who’s worked on a ballot measure campaign will tell you, ballot measures tend to fly under voters’ radar. You typically need a strong ground game and a dedicated group of local volunteers to be successful. Most ballot measure campaigns also need an element of voter education and persuasion added to their programs. Without it, many voters won’t understand what the measure does and why it’s important. Ballot measures are often the very last thing on the ballot, so sometimes you simply need to remind voters to fill out the entire ballot or to flip the ballot over.


Is Substack for Non-Profit Communications Worth It?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Should I use Substack for Non-Profit communications?  Substack is primarily a newsletter and blogging platform. Think of it as a more user-friendly version of Medium that has garnered a large following. Many people I know regularly post on Substack. Initially, I explored Substacks focused on branding, organization, and food, but the platform's political content has grown, and I now follow a few political Substacks.

Brandon Wolf

7 Questions with Brandon Wolf

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Brandon Wolf is a nationally recognized gun safety and LGBTQ+ civil rights advocate and public speaker. Brandon is a survivor of the 2016 shooting at Orlando's Pulse Nightclub. After losing two of his best friends that night, Brandon set out to honor their and the other 47 victims’ legacies with action. Brandon is a co-founder of The Dru Project, a non-profit organization that helps fund higher education to empower youth and future leaders in the LGBTQ+ community. We asked Brandon 7 questions about his experience and career path.

Steps to qualifying ballot measures

Qualifying Ballot Measures

Qualifying a ballot measure is a significant undertaking. Sometimes the most difficult part of a ballot measure campaign is just making it to the ballot. From gathering signatures to overcoming legal hurdles, qualifying an initiative takes planning, time, and (very often) a sizable investment (both in terms of dollars and human capital).

Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures: Go or No-Go Decisions

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

In today’s political climate of partisanship and mistrust, constituents are turning to the ballot measure process to bypass traditional government controls to pass legislation. 

campaign training

Campaign Training Is Key for Volunteers

by Alice McLoughlin (She/Her)

Campaign training can make the difference between a winning and losing campaign—especially training for volunteers. Although it’s important that you have a good candidate, campaign manager, or volunteer coordinator who can gather the volunteers, if those volunteers are not provided with training, they might not be of any help. When volunteers can provide much of your people power on a campaign, it’s important to make sure they know what they’re doing. A simple and effective way to get your volunteers up to speed is to send them to a campaign training!

two people at the top of a mountain - Campaign Plan tips blog post

9 Campaign Plan Tips

If you’re running for office, you’re going to need a campaign plan. With these 9 campaign plan tips, you will give yourself the best chance of winning your race:

Man writing on whiteboard Campaign Plan

What is a Campaign Plan and Why Do I Need One?

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

While every campaign comes with unknown variables, the more you plan, the better prepared you’ll be to manage whatever comes your way. The best way to be prepared for success is by creating a written campaign plan.

Advocacy strategies

Advocacy Strategy Tools to Build Your Advocacy Organization

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Advocacy strategies can be time-consuming to create and difficult to execute. We have written often about the core elements of an advocacy plan, but taking the time to develop your advocacy strategy is an important step. But where do you begin? Try using strategy tools.

advocacy hurdles

Advocacy Hurdles - Improve and Win Your Advocacy Campaign

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When you’re a part of an advocacy campaign, spotting issues and fixing them are not always easy. In the realm of advocacy, there will always be bumps in the road, that is the nature of making change. Identifying common advocacy hurdles and proactively planning for solutions is a good strategy that can improve your campaign. 

political campaign training

Why You Should Go Through a Political Campaign Training

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Political campaign training- here is the scoop: There are lots of decisions candidates need to make before they start a run for public office and a political campaign training can help provide some clarity for first time candidates. In our opinion, attending a political candidate and campaign training is a must for any potential candidate.

member communications

Member Communication: Make Membership Outreach Count

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

For organizations large and small, member communication is the key to activating your people ahead of elections and key legislative votes. Depending on the size and nature of your group, your membership may be 1) unified around clear shared goals, or 2) dedicated to the same overarching values but at odds when it comes to the means for achieving them.

independent expenditure campaign

Independent Expenditure Campaign Tips for Digital Targeting & Messaging

by Julie Watson (She/Her)

Independent expenditure campaigns play a unique and vital role in many elections. They can support candidate campaigns by filling the gaps that they may have in their strategies, resources, or messages. These independent campaigns can use digital advertising to target different audiences, convey different messages, and use different tactics than candidate campaigns. This can help the candidate campaigns reach, persuade, and mobilize more voters.

advocacy marketing

10 Tips to Amp Up Your Advocacy Marketing

If you've ever worked on an issue advocacy campaign, you know that convincing a person to even listen to your message can be a difficult task. Now, more than ever, public opinion has become harder to shape when people tune out information more than they tune it in.

campaign message

Campaign Message Vs. Issue—What’s the Difference?

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

A strong campaign message can be the linchpin that differentiates success from failure. However, a common source of confusion in campaigns is the conflation of a campaign message with a central issue. The reason behind this confusion is the passion that fuels issue politics—which often drives candidates and advocacy groups to perceive their chosen issue as their core message. This is a mistake. A campaign message is not merely a reflection of an issue or set of issues; rather, it seeks to establish a more profound connection between the candidate or campaign and the voters they are reaching out to.

Campaign Message

Strategies for a Consistent Campaign Message

by Enrique Rivas (He/Him)

For those of us who closely follow political debates and electoral politics, only a few things are as disheartening as seeing our favorite candidate veer off course from their intended candidate messaging. Whether it’s a rant, a lengthy tirade, or a complete departure from their message, it’s truly frustrating to see them lose their way to the point of becoming incoherently off track.

independent expenditure campaign

6 Tips for Your Independent Expenditure Campaign

Many people think about creating an independent expenditure campaign (IE campaign), but very few will actually take the time to do it. If you don't know a lot about IE’s, check out our IE FAQ here. IE campaigns should work to accomplish two goals:

A thumbs up hand on the right and a thumbs down hand with chalk on the left side on a blue backdrop

Independent Expenditure Campaigns: What They Can and Can't Use

by Tobias Cebulash (He/Him)

What information independent expenditure (IE) campaigns can use depends on who you ask, and what set of laws you’re covered by. In recent years, you may have seen candidate campaigns that appear to bend over backward to make photos and b-roll videos publicly available on their website (a classic example of this being “McConnelling,” which went viral in 2014). Why? What are voters going to do with all this stuff? Well, it turns out that in most cases, the audience isn’t the run-of-the-mill voter at all. These campaigns may instead be trying to make information publicly available for independent expenditure campaigns to use.