The Campaign Workshop Blog, is hosted by The Campaign Workshop - an advocacy and political consulting firm. We write about tactics for advocacy, membership, civic engagement, and progressive politics.  We post weekly, and also publish ebooks, host webinars, and The How to Win a Campaign Podcast. Sign up to learn more.   

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Political organizing

The Future of Political Organizing "Post-Pandemic"

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

We’ve written a lot about political organizing and tactics like canvassing and phone banking in the past. But what does the future of political organizing hold in a post-pandemic world? Will digital be more important than in-person? How will grassroots and tech work together? What will the role of data be?


IssueVoter - Maria Yuan Answers 7 Questions

by The Campaign Workshop

IssueVoter founder Maria Yuan decided to start the nonpartisan platform after working on a successful political campaign in one of Iowa’s swing districts and for a Texas State Representative. The organization seeks to increase civic engagement and communication between constituents and their members of Congress.

SEO for Digital Campaigns

Digital Campaigns: Improving SEO for Digital Advocacy

by The Campaign Workshop

When it comes to digital campaigns an organic approach is often overlooked. The first place most of us look to answer a question is online. But often digital advocacy campaigns and political campaigns forget about search especially organic search in their digital strategy.

Care2 Petitionz

Care2 Petitions: 7 Questions on Cost Per Acquisition

Molly Connors is the Director of Business Development for Care2, a social network for good with 50 million members starting Care2 petitions and sharing stories that inspire action. Care2 helps connect nonprofits and mission-based brands with supporters who are passionate about their causes.

Joe Weston Answers 7 Questions

7 Questions with Joe Weston, Respectful Confrontation Expert

by Martín Diego Garcia (He/Him)

Joe Weston is the founder of the Weston Network, which trains corporations, governments, and other organizations on communication, productivity, and time and stress management. Joe Weston works with individuals to build their self-confidence, enrich their relationships, and gain clarity in their life goals.

Political endorsements

Political Endorsements: What’s Your Strategy?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Campaign endorsements can still make a big difference in politics. But to make your political endorsements count, you need to have a strategy to collect them and amplify them. Be intentional about what political endorsements matter and how you will use them.

Campaign Staffers

Campaign staffers: Robinson’s Rules for Campaign Staff (and TCW)

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Will Robinson of the New Media Firm penned his rules for campaign staffers over 25 years ago and they are truly words to live by. Over the years, these rules have saved money, time and jobs for many campaign staffers who have heard and lived by them. Whether you are working on a candidate’s campaign, ballot measures, or independent expenditures, these campaign rules will help.

Nonprofit Blogging the Easy Way

Nonprofit Blogging the Easy Way

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Nonprofit blogging takes a lot of work, but it is easier than you think. Learn how to harness thought leadership, storytelling and simple tips to write blogs and long-form content that engages and converts. This is probably the most meta blog post we have ever written: a blog post about writing a blog post!

Political canvassing

Why Canvassing Matters

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Canvassing is special to me. I love knocking on doors. I think it is still a vastly underrated form of communication. Post COVID-19, canvassing is coming back in a big way and campaigns should plan for it now. Why do I think canvassing is so special? Because of the connection, direct contact grassroots combined with paid ads make with targeted voters in a personal and systematic way.

eBook Collection

eBook Collection

by Elizabeth Rowe (She/Her)

Looking for summer reading suggestions? Whether you are gearing up for an advocacy campaign, in need of communication tips for your current campaign, or deciding whether to run for office, our eBook collection provides comprehensive guides to help you achieve your goals. Download our eBooks today for campaign and advocacy tips and tricks that suit your needs.

Democratic Direct Mail: What does a Political Mail Firm Do?

Democratic Direct Mail: What Does a Campaign Mail Firm Do?

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

What does a campaign mail firm do? Admit it, this is a question that a lot of people have asked but have never gotten a clear answer. Well, never fear after producing winning Democratic direct mail for over ten years, The Campaign Workshop is here with answers. Your mail firm is an integral part of your campaign’s communication team.

Is political polling dead?

Political Polling, Have We Reached the End?

by Elena Veatch and The Campaign Workshop

Is political polling dead? In the campaign world, this is one question comes back to haunt us every election cycle After polls (and the media outlets reporting on them) suggested an inevitable landslide for Hillary Clinton in 2016, Donald Trump’s victory shook the American public to its core and undermined our collective confidence in political polling.

TCW top campaign strategy tips

How to Run a Political Campaign - Top Five Tips

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Learning how to run a political campaign for the first time can be tough. Sure, there are some great resources online (such as the TCW blog!) that can provide insight. There are also tons of great trainings that can teach you the basic dos and don’ts and if you’re interested in learning how to run a political campaign, we strongly encourage you to attend one.


Grasstops - to Step Up Your Advocacy Campaign

A grasstops campaign seeks to persuade the people who can influence key decision-makers. Legislators are often inundated with calls, emails, petitions, meetings, and other communications about a wide variety of issues. Breaking through that noise is tough, and grassroots campaigns, unless they reach critical mass, may not be enough on their own.

Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership Defined: Move Your Public Affairs Forward

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Thought leadership is not used to its true potential in public affairs. With so much noise out there, engaging thought leaders to build a public campaign around a policy or public affairs goal can be really important. Especially these days, separating your issue from the rest and making it a priority is a necessity. Similar to storytelling , thought leadership is about engaging community stakeholders to tell their reasons behind moving an issue forward.

Member Survey and Coffee

Take Your Member Survey Online

by Elena Veatch

A member survey can be a useful tool to get a sense of how your members feel about specific issues. Traditional phone surveys used to be the only option to keep tabs on the pulse of your organization. Luckily, it’s often easier and more cost-effective to poll your members online these days. Below are some factors to think through in executing a member survey that will achieve your goals and reach the right people—all without breaking the bank.

Woman standing on top of  bar graph after finding her political campaign job

How to Find a Political Campaign Job

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

When I started on the campaign trail, I was lucky enough to go through the Campaign Management Institute, where I became focused on grassroots political campaigns and met mentors through college programs and internships. Meeting folks who had made careers out of political campaigns, advocacy and public affairs, encouraged me to go on the road, pursue a career in politics and find a political campaign job and become a campaign staffer.

Finding your path using nonprofit job boards

Nonprofit Job Boards For Your Next Career Move

If you’re looking for your next career move that makes a difference, check out nonprofit job boards to find openings in the areas you’re interested in. Below, we compiled a list of boards that will help you find the right fit. Check out our larger list of job boards, jobs banks, and search firms here.

Three young people working at a paid internship

Why We Have a Paid Internship Program at The Campaign Workshop

by Joe Fuld (He/Him)

Finding a paid internship in politics, public affairs or political consulting is not easy. Oftentimes, hours of web research end in disappointment with search results offering unpaid internships with unclear job descriptions. Many small businesses have given up on internships altogether, paid or unpaid, because they could not find value.

Advocacy Video on a budget

Advocacy Video That Won't Break the Bank

by Ben Holse (He/Him)

Advocacy video is all over social media and across the internet. Video has really become an essential channel for leveraging support on an issue for nonprofits. It’s no wonder why, many advocacy organizations and nonprofits have supporters with compelling narratives, and video is a great medium for storytelling. But we’ve seen too many small or mid-sized nonprofits that still choose to avoid creating an advocacy video strategy because they have a limited budget.